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The Craziest Things People Bet On

For most of you reading this, you enjoy gambling. You enjoy placing your bets and wagering money, whether you’re wagering on a horse race or a poker game. To us, this seems perfectly normal, but what sort of other things do people bet on? We decided to look into this and were surprised by some of the weirdest bets people have made, some of which paid off.

Novelty Bet Wins Big

The first bet that caught our eye is actually a series of novelty bets and is one of the largest payouts around. Back in 1989 a man placed several novelty bets on unrelated events. The man bet that Cliff Richards would be knighted before the year 2000, U2 would remain together and continue making music after the year 2000 and that two TV shows, East Enders and Neighbours, would continue to run after the year 2000.

The odds of this happening was 6479:1 and when all of them came true, 11 years later, his £30 bet became £194 400.

Bet for Bond

Since Daniel Craig has decided he doesn’t want to play James Bond any more, people are wondering who will play the part on 007 next. A few years ago there was a leaked e-mail suggesting that Idris Elba was set to become the next Bond, but nothing has been confirmed yet.

This has sparked some betting on who people think the next Bond will be. The current odds are 500:1 for George Clooney or Sean Connery and 1000:1 for John Travolta to step into the shoes of the British agent.

Riskiest Bet – Betting your Life Savings

Just over 10 years ago, a man walked into a Las Vegas casino with his life savings, totalling around $135 000. He walked over to a roulette wheel and placed the entire amount on Black. At the last moment he changed his bet to Red and won, doubling his money in an instant.

A Breast Bet

A man from Toronto won $100 000 when he made a rather interesting bet. The bet was that the man would get breast implants and keep them for a year. He had the operation in 1997 and a year later was $100 000 richer. It also seemed like he enjoyed having breasts so much that he never even removed the implants after the bet was won. He’s also won $15 000 by living in a men’s bathroom for a month.

Don’t be afraid to Bet strange

There are plenty of other strange bets out there that could change your life. There are currently bets where you can wager on the size of Donald Trump’s manhood, whether you think alien life will be discovered within the next three years and many more things. Did you think betting had the potential to be this strange?

Nigel Frith

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